Wednesday, 20 February 2013

2013 Updo Hairstyles For Prom

Updo Hairstyles For Prom 2013

Updo Hairstyles For Prom 2013: The hair styling industry is constantly evolving as new trends arise from the creative minds and hands of hair stylists and hair enthusiasts and one of the new hairstyles that seeks to be spreading with the speed of light among fashionistas is the inverted French braid top knot or dutch braid top knot. Find out the steps to this fab new look, next!

We've been witnessing the rise of a new fabulous hairstyle that has spread among beauty and style enthusiasts with the speed of lightning. The inverted French braid top knot or the dutch braid top knot as it is also known, has been causing a stir since it first hit the hairstyle scene. Blogger Abby from , also author of an inspiring hair how-to eBook, shows us how to recreate the 'do! If you've got the necessary hair length to achieve this oh-so-fabulous look, allow yourself a little bit of time and patience and start your makeover.

Updo Hairstyles For Prom 2013: At first glimpse the hairstyle appears super simple, but unfortunately this will be a bit challenging for the honeys that are not too skilled in the French braiding technique. However, what are friends for if not for helping you out when in need?! So if you're a newbie hair braiding, ask a friend to help you until you learn to master the steps of achieving this fab new braided up-style without an effort. This is a hairstyle that works great on all hair textures, but if you have fine, really soft hair, apply a bit of hairspray before you start braiding to ensure your braid will not come undone. Before you start, make sure you have a hair elastic on standby and a few bobby pins to ensure your braid will not loosen up while you secure the top knot.

Start by detangling your hair and tilt your hair forward. At this point you will not see what you're doing, but rely on your tactile senses to guide you to fabulous looking hair. Gather a section of hair from the nape of the neck and part it into three sections, just as you would do with a regular braid. Start braiding, gathering hair from the sides and join them with the hair strands in your hands that fall nearest. Try to keep things tidy by checking the results with your digits Updo Hairstyles For Prom.

The inverted French braid or the Dutch braid does require a little bit of skill, but with a little bit of practice you can easily learn the steps. Go as high as you wish with your braid and once you've reached the spot, secure the ending with two bobby pins that form an 'X' for better grip. Take a brush or use your fingers and gently smooth out the hairs while gathering the hair up to create your top knot. Wrap the elastic around the hair to achieve a messy top knot or style the hair into a pony before you'll continue to create a sleek top knot by wrapping the pony around its base or by creating an oversized bun using a hair donut to create a perfect, oh-so-classy bun. These are all variations you can turn towards to look fabulous as the key to this look is exposing the braid.

Updo Hairstyles For Prom 2013: Chic, sophisticated looking and flirty, the inverted French braid top knot will dare you to resist it, so give it a try and let it work its magic!

Updo Hairstyles For Prom

Updo Hairstyles For Prom

Updo Hairstyles For Prom: Okay, are you girls ready for a new hair styling challenge? Yes? Than take a peek at these useful tips on how to style The Hunger Games French braid and reveal your most adventurous side!

Are you eager to try something new and cool such as Katniss Everdeen's braid in The Hunger Games? Los Angeles based blogger Maegan from loveMaegan surprises us once again with a fab hairstyle. Even though it might look rather challenging, with patience and a few braiding skills, you'll be able to achieve this unexpected, enviable 'do in no time. Don't get discouraged from the very first attempt! It will definitely turn heads and make you win the spotlight!

Boy oh boy, this braid is definitely worth trying! And yes, even if it will make you sweat, the result will be more than satisfying. So, arm yourself up with perseverance and an elastic and get ready to have fun! Maegan shows us step-by-step how to recreate The Hunger Games French braid in order to be sophisticated and sexy yet relaxed and girly with a slightly ethereal touch. You can make it looser or tighter and wear it to your daytime looks or to a rather formal event. Check it out!

Updo Hairstyles For Prom: Okay, now that your hair is all clean and ready to be styled, prepare your arms for some serious work. Well, the 'do is in fact Maegan's Side French Braid low up-do hair tutorial but left out instead of pinned up and braided under instead of over. It's done exactly the same way as a regular French braid but instead of braiding over the other sections, you braid them under. Start by making a side parting, section the front, dividing it into three sections, and begin French braiding your hair. You should concentrate the direction of the braid to the right side of your head.

Finish the braid and secure with an elastic. You can pull apart the braid giving it a rather messy, relaxed texture or leave it tighter. Apply some hairspray to hold your Hunger Games French braid! Are your arms tired? Don't worry because it's definitely worth it!

Updo Hairstyles For Prom: Maegan Tintari is currently working with BlogHer as their Style Editor and at Life Well Lived as a Beauty Expert. On her blog she shares personal style secrets, DIYs and hair tutorials, home decor and fashion tips, and she also let her readers take a look into her personal life with her husband and two adorable dogs. She is also working on her first book with the tentative book title "Rock Your Assets: How to Dress your Body Type to Become a Fashion Goddess" to be released Spring 2013. We can hardly wait!

African American Updo Hairstyles For Prom 2013

African American Updo Hairstyles For Prom 2013

African American Updo Hairstyles For Prom 2013: Are you looking for a super easy hairstyle, perfect for lazy days? Well, just take a peek at these steps, learn how to style a braided headband and get ready to look fab!

Okay all you pretty girls out there! It's time to start having some fun trying cute, oh-so-flirty hairstyles! Well, when you're running late yet still feel the need to wear your hair in a cool way, this 'do is definitely worth trying. It's not just utterly gorgeous but it can be done in just two minutes. Yes, you can style a braided headband in no time and still look amazing! Famous bloggers show you how to do it step by step! We are definitely dying to try it!

African American Updo Hairstyles For Prom 2013: So, when it comes to achieving a braided headband, you can either try the version made by Jane Aldridge from, or opt instead for the one presented by Leyla from LuxyHair. Watch Leyla's tutorial, draw your inspiration and get ready to have a real hairstyling crush! We irremediably fell in love with this easy 'do! Wear it to your casual, daytime looks, to school or on a shopping spree, or to more special events! It works great!

What do you do when you just feel like trying something different for your hair yet you have only 5 minutes to get ready? If you ever find yourself in this situation, remember that a braided headband might be the answer to your dilemma. Yes, we are pretty excited to share with you this quick and easy 'do that can transform your appearance in seconds. It is simple yet it looks gorgeous!

Jane Aldridge from made the version with one small section of hair taken below the ear, braided and wrapped around your head. Make sure you don't braid it too tight! Next, pin it on the opposite side of your head so that it blends in naturally with the rest of your hair. Super, super easy yet beautiful and fab! Have a nosey!

African American Updo Hairstyles For Prom 2013: Well, you can also awe people around you with Leyla's version. Before you start making the headband, you can use the curling iron in order to get some dreamy, messy waves! Next, take two lower hair sections from both sides of your head, behind your ears, and braid. Secure them with small elastics. Then, pull each braid to the opposite side of your head. Secure with bobby pins. You can leave your bangs out or hide them! It's your choice! Either way, you'll totally win the spotlight!

Pictures Of Updo Hairstyles For Prom 2013

Pictures Of Updo Hairstyles For Prom 2013

Pictures Of Updo Hairstyles For Prom 2013: Stylish and elegant looking low buns never go out of style, so update your look by learning how to create the ultimate low bun hairstyle with a minimum amount of effort by following these styling steps!

Glam hair lengths never go out of style as they provide endless styling options to take advantage of and one of these fab hair styling options that is timeless and that works wonders on all hair textures is the low bun. The secret to styling a gorgeous low bun sits in both the skill of the one doing the styling as well as the correct order of the steps that lead to the fab updo. Practice to perfect your skills and learn the proper steps to styling a gorgeous low bun by taking a peek at the hair styling process put on display by bloggers Essie and Emma from 'a Beautiful Mess' Pictures Of Updo Hairstyles For Prom.

A low bun hairstyle has a certain simplicity and elegance that makes it a timeless choice for beauty and hair enthusiasts, and since polishing the hair to perfection has become a definite must for those who care about their image, experimenting with a chic and trendy low bun can be a great idea to take into consideration.

To start, separate the hair at the crown of the head and tease the hair to amp-up the volume as thick hair has become a huge trend and this way you'll be able to give the back of the head a perfect shape without having the hair sticking to the scalp, especially if you have thin hair.

Pictures Of Updo Hairstyles For Prom 2013: After you've teased hair with a fine tooth tail comb, gently and superficially brush the hair into a low ponytail, all while concentrating to allow the hair to maintain its puffiness at the back, giving it a certain retro allure.

Use the comb's tail to lift the hair to a perfectly symmetric shape and secure the ponytail using a hair elastic. If you have fine hair, you'll need to make sure your bun has enough volume so you don't end up with a minuscule bun, and to do so, you'll need to separate the ponytail in half and tease the upper half using the comb.

Then, flip the pony up in half, exposing the unteased part and secure the hair at the base of the ponytail using two bobby pins placed from opposite directions for extra hold and continue by wrapping the loose ends around the base, securing them if possible under the ponytail's base using bobby pins.

Pictures Of Updo Hairstyles For Prom 2013: Finish the look by giving a soft wave to any loose strands (if you have layered hair, you'll have a few strands coming loose), using a curling iron and apply a bit of shine spray to enhance the beauty of your gorgeous locks. This look is a perfect option for both day and evening, so give it a try and see if it suits your personality and style!

Prom Updo Hairstyles For Short Hair 2013

Prom Updo Hairstyles For Short Hair 2013

Prom Updo Hairstyles For Short Hair 2013: It's amazing how much a simple hair styling technique can transform your look, so get your hair looking fabulous by learning the knotted chignon technique presented step-by-step in a fab tutorial, next!

A perfectly polished hairstyle can do wonders for your overall image, so become a hair style icon by learning how to create intricate hairstyles with a minimum amount of effort. A classy 'do such as a knotted chignon can be a perfect party season hairstyle to try if you have a medium to long hair length, and learning the steps to styling this particular updo won't take too much effort or time, so take a peek at our pick of best DIY salon-look hair styling tutorial created by Lilith Moon and give your locks a 'styleover' fit for formal or informal occasions.

Prom Updo Hairstyles For Short Hair 2013: This party-season knotted updo looks amazing and can be created on various hair textures but if you're looking for a total glam effect, opt for a sleek straight hair texture instead as this way the intricate looking knots will be enhanced to perfection, making the visual effect worthy of a diva. This high-fashion hairstyle will definitely make you stand out of the crowd from the office to the dance-floor, so start working your hair to perfection by styling it sleek straight and detangling it o make it easier to work with. If you have fine hair, apply a bit of styling mousse on your locks as this will provide adherence and extra hold, so your cool knotted chignon won't come undone easily.

Starting from the crown of the head, separate the hair horizontally, going from one temple to another and then separate the hair into two. Next, smooth the hair and create a stylish knot by passing one of the strands under-over-back under again before proceeding just like you would when styling a cool French-braid by taking hair from each part and adding it to the hair strand closest to it and then continue to style another knot.

Try to keep the knots centered by feeling with your fingers the line of the hair as you style. Repeat the steps until you've reached the nape of the neck, taking hairs from both sides of the head (as symmetrically as possible) and adding them to the hair strands you're using to create the knots with Prom Updo Hairstyles For Short Hair.

Once you've reached the nape of the neck, secure the hair using a thin hair elastic and from now on your options are numerous. You can opt to create various styles depending on your mood, meaning you can opt for a slightly different approach every time you wish by keeping the hair waved into a cool poly, by creating a cool twisted updo or by keeping things simple and braiding the hair then wrapping it around the base of the elastic before securing it in place using bobby pins.

This is a look that works wonders from day to evening, so keep your hair simple or amp up the glam factor by adding hair accessories to the look, depending on what you feel like doing with your locks. Finish by applying a bit of hair spray for extra hold and smooth out any flyaway hairs and dust on some shine spray if you wish to make your locks look glossier than ever.

Prom Updo Hairstyles For Short Hair 2013: This technique brings fabulous hair to your fingertips, so start styling and get your locks looking like those of an off-duty supermodel!

Updo Prom Hairstyles For Long Hair 2013

Updo Prom Hairstyles For Long Hair 2013

Updo Prom Hairstyles For Long Hair 2013: Okay you girls, are you ready to try a new, super-chic hairstyle? Arm yourself with a little patience and add a glam touch to your looks creating a simple chestnut bun. It only takes an instant and the result is amazing! Check it out!

Joanna Goddard's hair tutorials are always so inspirational! If you are a stylish girl looking for a great way to dress up your tresses, you should definitely try this oh-so-chic chestnut bun! Why? Because it is easy and quick to achieve at home, with the minimum amount of effort and it doesn't require special skills or professional tools and products. Second, it is simple yet adds a sophisticated and super-refined touch to your looks. Beautiful with a special glam feeling, this 'do is definitely a smart choice Updo Prom Hairstyles For Long Hair !

Start by brushing and detangling your hair. Make a high ponytail securing it with an elastic band. To make sure your chestnut bun is perfectly placed and secured, the band should be rather tight but not too close to the scalp. Next, create a hole behind the elastic loosing a little and separating your hair into two sections.

Updo Prom Hairstyles For Long Hair 2013: Now, it's time for the magic trick! Flip your hair from the bottom up and through the hole you made. Yes, up through the hole! Keep in mind this important step! You can also use a Topsy Tail tool for a cleaner and smoother finish! So, now we can start having fun and create the chestnut bun! Once you have arrived at this stage, you can choose to take medium-sized sections and backcomb your hair for extra-volume, or, you can leave your hair rather natural and carefree. It's up to you!

Next, brush the ponytails and grab the end looping it under and pin it using some bobby pins. You can also secure the ends of your pony with an elastic or if your hair is super long, you may have to wrap the ends around your hand a few times before you tuck it under.

Well, now your sexy, versatile bun is almost finished! At this stage, you just have to keep pinning the sides at the bottom of the bun until it feels secure. Remember to shape your bun while gripping it into place! Finally, fix your chic style with some hairspray. Easy as saying 'fab'!!!

Updo Prom Hairstyles For Long Hair 2013: This fantastic 'do is an at-hand choice because it is so versatile and looks incredibly stylish and sophisticated for both casual or formal occasions. Even brides-to-be should take into consideration the chestnut bun as a great option for the big day. It's elegant and feminine, adding a timeless beauty and a special finesse. So, take a peek at this tutorial, forget complicated and elaborated 'dos and get ready to revolutionize your style! It only takes a few minutes and a little bit of patience!

Prom Updo Hairstyles For Long Hair 2013

Prom Updo Hairstyles For Long Hair 2013

Prom Updo Hairstyles For Long Hair 2013: Styling your long locks can now be a breeze as numerous techniques have been created to ease the efforts deposited into creating sophisticated looking hairstyles. Check out the following step-by-step hair tutorial to get a fab vintage princess braided updo without too much fuss!

Creating a high fashion hairstyle is no longer the torture you imagine as hair pros and hair enthusiasts have generously contributed to the development of new hair styling techniques that give fuss-free results in minutes. We've stumbled upon one of these techniques and we were instantly hooked as beauty blogger Cynthia from eBeautyBlog made the process of learning step-by-step how to style a vintage princess braided updo look effortless, an elegant, classy up-style Prom Updo Hairstyles For Long Hair.

The braid has become a perfect solution to a fabulous at-home hairstyle that displays an intricate look, so no wonder that women are trying to master as many braiding techniques as possible as each technique can provide vast hair styling solutions to update your look with. A clear demo of how a simple braid can lead to a sophisticated, uber-romantic look that oozes elegance is provided below, so check out the steps to learning how to style a princess braided updo with a vintage twist and put into practice what you've learned to look fresh and fabulous every time you desire without too much fuss.

Before you start styling your vintage updo, you'll need the following tools:
flat iron (for those with curly hair)
bobby pins
two hair elastics
hair styling mousse/ texturizer (if you have fine hair that tends to come undone easily)

Prom Updo Hairstyles For Long Hair 2013: To start you'll need to straighten your hair (if you don't have naturally straight locks) as this hair texture reveals best the braids and overall effects given by the style, and part your hair in two symmetrical sides. If your hair is fine, layered or tends to come undone easily, apply a bit of hair styling mousse on the a couple of inches in width on the sides of the head from roots to ends, to give the hair more adherence while you braid.

Once you've parted the hair, separate a few hair strands from the front part and start creating a half French braid by braiding and adding pieces of hair from the loose locks, adding the extra hairs to the center stand. Proceed until you've reached the tips and then secure the end using a thin hair elastic.

Now, you can move on to create the exact same style using the same technique on the other side of the head. Secure the ends when you're done and then take the tip of one of the braids and take it back, stretching it towards the temple on the opposite side of the head. Use bobby pins to secure the braid into place and then repeat using the other braid, slightly overlapping them. Secure well the braids using bobby pins, tuck in the ends of the braids and prepare to make heads turn with your classy, princess-like updo.

Prom Updo Hairstyles For Long Hair 2013: With a little bit of practice you can master this braiding technique, so practice and let your hair styling skills turn you into a definite hair diva!

Half Updo Hairstyles For Prom 2013

Half Updo Hairstyles For Prom 2013

Half Updo Hairstyles For Prom 2013: Extreme cutesy alert!!! All lovelies out there should pay attention to this seriously cute 'do. Forget the same-old hairstyles, check out these easy steps on how to style a sweetheart braid and get ready to win the spotlight!

Are you girls ready to try an achingly cute'do? Well, here's a super-exciting hair love story that will make your knees grow weak. It certainly bewitched us! This is definitely one of the most beautiful and most adorable styles we have seen lately. Therefore, if you want to try something rather unexpected, a sweetheart braid is a great choice. It looks pretty and it takes just a few minutes to achieve at home. Oh, and you don't need help as you can easily do it yourself. So simple to create, this 'do adds a head-turning touch to your appearance. Check it out and go for it Half Updo Hairstyles For Prom!

For inspiration, you can have a nosey at Reagan's from Hairdresser On Fire tutorial or just take a peek at Christina's from Hair Romance images. The sweetheart braid is fuss-free yet incredibly wow-worthy and its cutesy makes this style anything but boring! We are irremediably in love!!!

Half Updo Hairstyles For Prom 2013: Gorgeous Reagan from Hairdresser On Fire came up with this sweet, unique look and shows us how to make it in no time. We're not going to lie, this braid is not just extremely wearable and versatile but also sexy and romantic. Okay lovelies, let's begin creating this style! But, before we start, you should know that Reagan advises us to try this braid as a full updo if we are looking for something more formal. Besides, she says to backcomb the crown for a more "grown up" finish.

So, first step is to section off the top half of your hair. Next, split the top half into two sections and braid them. Once plaited, you can loop each braid and pin in place in order to make the top of your heart. As a final step, pin the bottom of the braids to create a point. If your braids are too long, you can fold them in half. Done! Now you're ready to win somebody's heart!

Half Updo Hairstyles For Prom 2013: Well, it's time to think beyond simple side braids and opt instead for something different and more eye-catching. Try this sweetheart braid and dare to be fabulous! Reagan worked in big and small hair salons in NYC for the last 6 years and she is mostly inspired by the 60's "because of the hugeness" and the 70's "because of the softness". She reveals that her top five hair idols are Bridget Bardot, Julie Christie, Blake Lively, Sienna Miller and Barbie. Could she be any sweeter?

Prom Updo Hairstyles For Medium Hair 2013

Prom Updo Hairstyles For Medium Hair 2013

Prom Updo Hairstyles For Medium Hair 2013: Sometimes, it is good to snap out from your hair styling routine and try something a little bit different. Well, check out these three lovely half up hairstyles you can try now and win the spotlight!

Okay, so we were searching for some beautiful 'dos and stumbled upon these three lovely half up hairstyles that can make every girl look pretty using just a few smart tricks. Therefore, it's time you snap out from your old styling routine and try something a little different. Check out these lovely bloggers at work and get inspired!

Braided half-up
Amber Lynne from bewitched us with a hippie, super-cool braided half-up! Start by backcombing your hair at the crown of the head. Take a small hair section from one side and braid it. Secure it with a clear elastic band. Leave a few pieces in front, around your face, for a boho finish! Next, take two sections, one of each side of the braid you have already made, and plait them in the direction your hair is going to be. Secure it! Then, pull back both sides of your hair and secure Prom Updo Hairstyles For Medium Hair!

Now, it's time for the element of surprise! In fact, this is that special twist that makes all the difference! Take one lower hair section from the right side, behind your ear, and braid. Next, pull the braid on the opposite side across your head. Tuck the ends under the other braid and pin into place. Done! It is so adorable and it only takes a few minutes to pull off!
Half-up waterfall braid

Prom Updo Hairstyles For Medium Hair 2013: Okay, so this is a really gorgeous 'do and even if it might sound rather difficult to achieve, trust us, the result is definitely worth it. An absolutely amazing, ethereal and versatile style that works great for both daytime and formal events! We totally love this look that spiced up our day! Kelly from  shows us how to create this half-up waterfall braid. Have a nosey!

So, begin by making a side parting. Take one hair section from the left side of your head and part it into three pieces. The trick that gives that beautiful cascading effect is dropping the section of hair at the bottom as you braid your hair three times. Keep plaiting and once you get in the back use some bobby pins to secure. Next, do the same thing on the other side of your head and pin into place. Leave your hair a little looser and romantic!

Fancy rope braid half-up hairstyle
If you're looking for a lovely summer style, this one is undoubtedly a smart choice! Well, this is not cute, it is jaw-dropping! And shares with us the right steps to achieve the look. Start by brushing your hair making sure it is all smooth! Take a piece of hair in the front and divide it into two sections. Now, twist the two strands together counter-clockwise and twist one of the strands clockwise. Repeat until reaching the ends and secure the braid with an elastic band. If you did this right, your twist won't unwrap.

Prom Updo Hairstyles For Medium Hair 2013: Next, grab a hair section under the braid and make another rope braid! Do the exact same thing on the other side of your head. Now, divide the top half of your hair, pull two of the side braids and secure them into a pony. Create a little hole above the elastic and flip your ponytail in it. Gather a layer of hair below the first one and include the remaining side braids. Tie everything together and do the same flipping trick as you did before. You can also dress up your 'do with some pretty hair accessories. Remove all the elastics you have used to secure the braids.

Updo Hairstyles For Prom 2013

Updo Hairstyles For Prom 2013

Updo Hairstyles For Prom 2013: Okay, so everyone seems to be going bonkers for bows. On clothes, accessories or in your hair, they add a special feeling of cutesy! So, check out these easy steps, learn how to style a low bow bun and revolutionize your styling!

No one can deny the fact that bows are extremely lovely! Smaller or bigger, on clothes or accessories, a bow always adds an irresistible feeling of maximum cutesy. Now, what about trying this adorable adornment on something else? What about daring a playful yet surprisingly chic low bow bun? Even though it might seem rather complicated, the truth is that you can easily achieve it at home. Oh, and you don't need professional tools or skills!

Updo Hairstyles For Prom 2013: We've spotted this gorgeous 'do at celebrities and on the runway as well as in Collette Dinnigan's fall 2013 collection. We have also stumbled upon Rose's version from and we were instantly hooked. She manages to create a looser, elegant and oh-so-cute low bow bun that works great for daytime but also for more formal occasions.

So, you should start by backcombing your hair at the crown. Well, this is not necessary unless you want a result with a little bit of volume. You can also add a headband as Rose did or just smooth down the front section and tuck it behind your ear. Next, gather your hair into a low ponytail and separate it into three equal sections. Make sure you pin the middle section up so it won't bother you while creating the bow.

Yes, now it's time to have fun and get the look we want. Oh, don't worry as it is as simple as saying 'bow'! In fact, the number one reason why we love this 'do is the fact that it takes just a few minutes to be achieved despite its apparent complexity. So, take one section of the pony and wrap it around your palm or roll it on the curling iron. Firmly attach to your head the loop you've created, near the ponytail base, and use some bobby pins to secure it.

Updo Hairstyles For Prom 2013: Now you have half of your bow! Create the other half repeating the same steps you've already done. Make a similar loop and pin it into place. To finish the bow, let that middle piece down and pull it up pinning it firmly at the top of the base of the pony. Next, flip that piece down through the middle of the bow and secure it below the base of the ponytail, out of sight. Apply some hair spray!